Nottingham’s carbon neutrality CN28 pledge
The planet is getting dangerously warm because fuels based on carbon produce greenhouse gases that trap the sun’s heat. The main culprits are coal, natural gas, petrol and diesel.
Global heating is having disastrous effects on humans and animals., and causes floods, droughts, fires and loss of species across the world. It is also a severe danger to human health. We are in a global emergency right now, with no time to lose. The world must move over to non-carbon-based energy such as wind and solar power as quickly as possible. A lot of progress is being made but there is a long way to go.
Individuals can play a big part in securing a healthy future. Reducing your own carbon footprint can make a difference. However, national and local policies also have to change.
The City of Nottingham has commitment an ambitious target to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2028 (CN28), which makes Nottingham a national leader. Everyone has a role to play in reaching the city’s target: not just the Council but also individuals, communities and businesses. Changes must be fair so that we are all safe and have the same access to transport, energy and food.
Nottingham Climate Assembly exists to ensure everyone has a say in how we rid ourselves of carbon.