Safeguarding Children Policy.

Safeguarding Children Policy

Last reviewed: April 2024

Procedure in event of a safeguarding incident

Prior to in-depth details of this policy, the procedure below provides  the immediate actions required for Nottingham Assembly staff and volunteer/s to follow in the event of a safeguarding incident or disclosure.

  1. Record to be made by the first contact (call 999 if immediate risk of danger)

  2. Call and speak to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) i.e. either Chris Ward, Rosanna Wilson or Rosalie Harvey. 

  3. Name the person by phone

  4. To comply with GDPR, anonymise the person’s name when communicating to DSL via email (recommendation to initial)

  5.  DSLs will complete the required form

  6. A record will be saved, password protected and shared amongst the DSLs. 

  7.  The DSLs then agree the action plan for the particular case, following urgent escalation if required in an emergency (call 999 if immediate risk of danger)

  8.  Call made to the appropriate multi-agency hub (see 3.3 to 3.8). In the unlikely event of DSLs not being available, this action must be taken by the staff member or volunteer. 

  9. To establish which Authority to contact if you are unsure if the person is from Nottingham or Nottinghamshire, use either 

1.  Introduction

1.1.     This document is the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy for Nottingham Climate Assembly (NCA) which will be followed by all members of the organisation and followed and promoted by those in the position of leadership within the organisation.

1.2.     Individual agencies are responsible for ensuring that their employees are competent and confident in carrying out their responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare.

1.3.     The purpose of the organisation is to disseminate reliable, unbiased information on the global climate and ecological crisis; enable individuals from all parts of society to participate in informed discussions about how to respond to the crisis both personally and communally; contribute to the present and future well-being of communities and of the natural world in Greater Nottingham and beyond.

1.4.     We know that young people can be vulnerable to abuse by adults. The purpose of this policy is to make sure that the actions of any adult in the context of the work carried out by the organisation are transparent and safeguard and promote the welfare of all young people.

1.5        Principles upon which the Safeguarding Children Policy is based:

  • Children have a right to be safe and should be protected from all forms of    abuse and neglect;

  • Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility;

  • It is better to help children as early as possible, before issues escalate and become more damaging;

  • Children and families are best supported and protected when there is a coordinated response from all relevant agencies;

  • Organisations play an important role in delivering services to children;

  • Organisations working with children are in a unique position to be able to observe signs of abuse or neglect, or changes in behaviour which may indicate a child may be being abused or neglected;

  • Paid and volunteer staff in our organisation need to be aware of their responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, how they should respond to child protection concerns and make a referral to local authority children’s social care or the police if necessary.

  • Paid and volunteer staff should make sure that they are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect, that they question the behaviour of children and parents/carers and don’t necessarily take what they are told at face value. They should make sure they know where to turn to if they need to ask for help, and refer to children’s social care or to the police, if they suspect that a child is at risk of harm or is in immediate danger (see 3.3 ‘Taking action’ section for further information).

 2. Safeguarding Children & Young People

This section covers safeguarding measures designed to safeguard children and young people from harm. 

2.1      Safe Recruitment & Selection. 

We have a policy and procedure which ensures that all potential paid staff and volunteers:

  • Provide evidence of address, relevant qualifications, the reasons why they want to work with children and young people, paid work and voluntary work experience and all criminal convictions.

  • Provide two pieces of identification which confirm both identity and address.

  • Undergo an interview involving at least two interviewers.

  • Consent to a Disclosure and Barring Service check (formally CRB check) at the appropriate level (standard or enhanced). Agree to sign up to the DBS Update Service.

Furthermore, the organisation complies with all other safeguarding regulations:

  • We understand that a person who is barred from working with children or vulnerable adults is breaking the law if they work or volunteer or try to work or volunteer with these groups.

  • We understand that an organisation which knowingly employs someone who is barred to work with those groups will also be breaking the law.

  • We understand that if our organisation dismisses a member of staff, or volunteer because they have harmed a child, or vulnerable adult, or would have done so if they had not left, we must complete a DBS referral form.

2.2.      Management & Support of Paid Staff & Volunteers

  • All staff and volunteers are provided with a role profile outlining their main responsibilities. This includes a requirement to comply with our Safeguarding Policy and procedures and ground rules for appropriate behaviour.

  • All staff and volunteers are supported through an induction process during which safeguarding/child protection procedures and information on all the organisation’s policies are explained and procedures and training needs identified.

  • All paid staff and volunteers attend regular ongoing safeguarding training appropriate to their role.

2.3   Providing Safer Activities and Trips

2.31     Necessary arrangements

  • People whose suitability has not been checked, including through a DBS check are not allowed to have unsupervised contact with children.

  • All paid staff and volunteers undertaking specialist roles, (e.g. taking children and young people off site on trips) are provided with appropriate training.

  • All activities are risk assessed to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent children and young people being harmed whilst participating in the organisation’s activities.

  • Employer’s liability and/or public liability insurance has been taken out to ensure that all activities and services and all people taking part, are covered.

  • All activities being provided are properly planned and organised. Planning ensures that the activities are age‐appropriate, appropriately supervised, take account of staff ratio and use qualified instructors.

  • The organisation has a Photography Policy about taking and using photographs of children and young people and a consent form for the use of photographs and filming.

2.4   Online safety 

The welfare of the children/young people who encounter our services is paramount and governs our approach to the use and management of electronic communications technologies. Working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting young people’s welfare and in helping young people to be responsible in their approach to e-safety.

The use of information technology is an essential part of all our lives; it is involved in how we as an organisation gather and store information, as well as how we communicate with each other. It is also an intrinsic part of the experience of our children and young people, and is greatly beneficial to all. However, it can present challenges in terms of how we use it responsibly and, if misused either by an adult or a young person, can be actually or potentially harmful to them.

We will seek to promote e-safety by: 

  • Developing a range of procedures that provide clear and specific directions to staff and volunteers on the appropriate use of ICT;

  • Supporting and encouraging the children and young people using our service to use the opportunities offered by mobile phone technology and the internet in a way that keeps themselves safe and shows respect for others;

  • Incorporating statements about safe and appropriate ICT use into the codes of conduct both for staff and volunteers and for children and young people;

  • Use our procedures to deal firmly, fairly and decisively with any examples of inappropriate ICT use, complaints or allegations, whether by an adult or a child/young person (these may include breaches of filtering, illegal use, cyberbullying, or use of ICT to groom a child or to perpetrate abuse);

  • Informing parents and carers of incidents of concern as appropriate;

  • Reviewing and updating the security of our information systems regularly;

  • Providing adequate physical security for ICT equipment;

  • Ensuring that usernames, logins and passwords are used securely and effectively;

  • Using only official email accounts provided via the organisation, and monitoring these as necessary;

  • Ensuring confidential information sent by emails is sent securely, and depending on the sensitivity of the data, it may need to be encrypted. (See Appendix One)

  • Ensuring that the personal information of staff, volunteers and service users (including service users’ names) are not published on our website;

  • Ensuring that images of children and young people are used only after their written permission has been obtained, and only for the purpose for which consent has been given;

  • Any social media tools used in the course of our work with children and young people must be risk assessed in advance by the member of staff wishing to use them;

  • Providing effective management for staff and volunteers on ICT issues, through supervision, support and training;

  • Examining and risk assessing any emerging new technologies before they are used within the organisation.

2.5 Text and language

  • It is unlikely that resources used during NCA activities may include offensive language and adult themes. In any scenario, the following applies. 

  • It is the responsibility of the staff/volunteer leading the session to create a safe environment in which participants can explore controversial material.  A discussion should take place that contextualises the material and encourages an open and sensitive approach. Participants should be made to feel comfortable speaking up if they are upset with source materials. These concerns might be based on cultural, religious and social perspectives and should be handled with a sensitive ear.

  • If judged appropriate by the staff/volunteers, concerns raised by staff, children, young people, and their parents/carers should be reported to the NCA steering group to ensure that actions can be taken as appropriate across future activities.

2.6 Complaints Policy

We have a written Complaints Policy and procedure so that children and young people, staff and volunteers can make any necessary complaint.

3. Child Protection

3.1 Immediate Action to Ensure Safety. 

Immediate action may be necessary at any stage in involvement with children and families.

In all cases it is vital to take whatever action is needed to safeguard the child/children concerned i.e. 

  • Dial 999

    • for an ambulance should emergency medical attention be required or take the child/children to the nearest Accident and Emergency Department.

    • to contact police if the child/children is/are in immediate danger. Police alone have the power to remove a child/children immediately if protection is necessary, via their powers to use police protection.

3.2 Recognition of Abuse or Neglect.

Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting, by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger. They may be abused by an adult or adults, or another child or children.

Individuals within NCA need to be alert to the potential abuse of children both within their families and also from other sources including abuse by members of that organisation.

All representatives of NCA should know how to recognise and act upon indicators of abuse or potential abuse involving children and where there are concerns about a child’s welfare. There is an expected responsibility for all members of the organisation to respond to any suspected or actual abuse of a child in accordance with these procedures.

Abuse can take many forms and the following is a summary of the most common forms of child abuse as set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015)

3.21 Physical abuse 

Physical Abuse – a form of abuse which may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child or young person. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces, illness in a child or young person.

Some of the following signs may be indicators of physical abuse: 

  • Children with frequent injuries;

  • Children with unexplained or unusual fractures or broken bones; and

  • Children with unexplained:

    • bruises or cuts;

    • burns or scalds;

    • bite marks.

3.22 Emotional abuse 

Emotional abuse – The persistent emotional maltreatment of a child or young person such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child or young person’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to a child or young person that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may include not giving the child opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children, or young people. These may include interactions that are beyond a child or young person’s developmental capability, as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child or young person participating in normal social interaction. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another. It may involve serious bullying (including cyber bullying), causing children and young people frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children or young people. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child or young person, though it may occur alone.

Some of the following signs may be indicators of emotional abuse: 

  • Children or young people who are excessively withdrawn, fearful, or anxious about doing something wrong;

  • Parents or carers who withdraw their attention from their child or young person, giving the child the ‘cold shoulder’;

  • Parents or carers blaming their problems on their child or young person; and

  • Parents or carers who humiliate their child or young person, for example, by name-calling or making negative comparisons.

3.23 Neglect

Neglect – The persistent failure to meet a child or young person’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child or young person’s health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse.

Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:

  • provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment);

  • protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger;

  • ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care-givers); 

  • ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment.

It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child or young person’s basic emotional needs.

Some of the following signs may be indicators of neglect of the child or young person; they are: 

  • Living in a home that is indisputably dirty or unsafe;

  • Left hungry or dirty;

  • Left without adequate clothing, e.g. not having a winter coat;

  • Living in dangerous conditions, i.e. around drugs, alcohol or violence;

  • Often angry, aggressive or self-harm;

  • Failing to receive basic health care;

  • Parents who fail to seek medical treatment when their children are ill or are injured.

3.24 Sexual abuse and exploitation 

Sexual abuse – Involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration (for example, rape, or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing. They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet). Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children.

Some of the following signs may be indicators of sexual abuse: 

  • Displaying knowledge or interest in sexual acts inappropriate to their age;

  • Using sexual language or have sexual knowledge that you wouldn’t expect them to have;

  • Asking others to behave sexually or play sexual games; and

  • Having physical sexual health problems, including soreness in the genital and anal areas, sexually transmitted infections or underage pregnancy.

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

CSE involves exploitative situations, contexts and relationships where young people receive something (for example food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, gifts, money or in some cases simply affection) as a result of engaging in sexual activities. Sexual exploitation can take many forms ranging from the seemingly ‘consensual’ relationship where sex is exchanged for affection or gifts, to serious organised crime by gangs and groups. What marks out exploitation is an imbalance of power in the relationship. The perpetrator always holds some kind of power over the victim which increases as the exploitative relationship develops. Sexual exploitation involves varying degrees of coercion, intimidation or enticement, including unwanted pressure from peers to have sex, sexual bullying including cyberbullying and grooming. However, it is also important to recognise that some young people who are being sexually exploited do not exhibit any external signs of this abuse.

3.25 Preventing Radicalisation 

Protecting children from the risk of radicalisation should be seen as part of an organisation's wider safeguarding duties and is similar in nature to protecting children from other forms of harm and abuse. During the process of radicalisation it is possible to intervene to prevent vulnerable people being radicalised.

Radicalisation refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism. There is no single way of identifying an individual who is likely to be susceptible to an extremist ideology. It can happen in many different ways and settings. Specific background factors may contribute to vulnerability which are often combined with specific influences such as family, friends or online, and with specific needs for which an extremist or terrorist group may appear to provide an answer. The internet and the use of social media in particular has become a major factor in the radicalisation of young people. As with managing other safeguarding risks, staff/volunteers should be alert to changes in children’s behaviour which could indicate that they may be in need of help or protection.

3.3   Taking Action

There are 4 key steps to follow to help you identify and respond appropriately to possible abuse and or neglect.

It may not always be appropriate to go through all 4 stages sequentially. If a child is in immediate danger or is at harm or risk you should refer to children’s social care and/or the police. Before doing so, you should try to establish the basic facts. However, it will be the role of the social workers and the police to investigate cases and make a judgement on whether there is statutory intervention and/or a criminal investigation.

You should record, in writing, all concerns and discussions about a child’s welfare the decisions made and the reasons behind those decisions.

The first step is to be alert to the signs of abuse and neglect, to have read this document.

3.4 When You Must Not Discuss Your Concerns with Parents/Carers

It is good practice to be as open and honest as possible with parents/carers about any concerns. However, you MUST NOT discuss your concerns with parents/carers in the following circumstances:

  • Where sexual abuse or sexual exploitation is suspected

  • Where organised or multiple abuse is suspected (see complex, organised or multiple abuse procedure)

  • Where fabricated or Induced Illness (previously known as Munchausen Syndrome by proxy) is suspected (see Fabricated or Induced Illness procedure)

  • Where Female Genital Mutilation is the concern (see Female Genital Mutilation procedure)

  • In cases of suspect Forced Marriage (see Forced Marriage procedure)

  • Where contacting parents/carers would place a child, yourself or others at immediate risk

These decisions should not be taken in isolation. 

Consult with: 

  • EITHER Safeguarding Teams at Nottingham City Council - 0115 876 4800 

  • OR Salford Bridge Partnership - 0161 603 4500.

If child has a Nottinghamshire address - see info below: 

3.5 What to do if Children Talk to You about Abuse or Neglect 

It is recognised that a child may seek you out to share information about abuse or neglect, or talk spontaneously individually or in groups when you are present. In these situations YOU MUST:

  • Listen carefully to the child. DO NOT directly question the child

  • Give the child time and attention.

  • Allow the child to give a spontaneous account; do not stop a child who is freely recalling significant events.

  • Make an accurate record of the information you have been given taking care to record the timing, setting and people present, the child’s presentation as well as what was said. Do not throw this away as it may later be needed as evidence.

  • Use the child’s own words where possible.

  • Explain that you cannot promise not to speak to others about the information they have shared ‐ do not offer false confidentiality.

  • Reassure the child that:

    • they have done the right thing in telling you;

    • they have not done anything wrong;

  • Tell the child what you are going to do next and explain that you will need to get help to keep him/her safe.

  • DO NOT ask the child to repeat his or her account of events to anyone

If a child discloses information to you about abuse or neglect you must take action. 

Contact the designated safeguarding person or if you cannot contact them go straight to Nottingham City Council 0115 876 4800.

For Nottinghamshire:


If a child is in immediate danger of being harmed, the police should be called on 999.

3.6  Consult about your Concern

Because of your observations of a child, or information received you may become concerned about a child who has not spoken to you.

Ask a child why they are upset or how a cut or bruise was caused, or respond to a child wanting to talk to you. This practice can help clarify vague concerns and result in appropriate action.

If you are concerned about a child you must share your concerns. Initially you should talk to one of the people designated as responsible for child protection within your organisation. If you have any concerns please email one, or more, of the designated safeguarding people below, supplying a phone number if you would prefer a phone conversation:

  1. Chris Ward (Lead for Child Protection) email:

  2. Rosanna Wilson email:

  3. Rosemarie Harvey 

It will usually be the designated person who will then get in touch with Nottingham City Council /Nottinghamshire County Council, if necessary:

If you are worried about a child and cannot contact a designated person: speak to another manager or contact Nottingham City Council 0115 876 4800 (this number can also be used out of hours). E-mail: or if  the child has a Nottinghamshire address:

NSPCC Helpline – 0808 800 5000

If a child is in immediate danger of being harmed, or if a child is home alone, the police should be called on 999

If a caller rings out of office hours, facilities will be in place to divert the call so no alternative numbers need to be provided.

3.7  Make a Referral

3.71  A referral involves giving the Police, or the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) at the Safeguarding Children Unit information about concerns relating to an individual or family in order that enquiries can be undertaken by the appropriate agency followed by any necessary action. 

3.72  Parents/carers should be informed if a referral is being made except in the circumstances outlined in Section 3.3.

3.73  However, inability to inform parents for any reason should not prevent a referral being made. It would then become a joint decision with the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub about how and when the parents should be approached and by whom.

3.74  If your concern is about harm or risk of harm from a family member or someone known to the children, you should make a referral to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub.

3.75  If your concern is about harm or risk of harm from someone not known to the child or child’s family, you should make a telephone referral directly to the Police and consult with the parents.

3.76  If your concern is about harm or risk of harm from an adult in a position of trust (see Section 3.8: Allegations against Adults Who Work with Children).

Information required when making a referral

3.77  Be prepared to give as much of the following information as possible (in emergency situations all of this information may not be available). Unavailability of some information should not stop you making a referral.

  • Your name, telephone number, position and request the same of the person to whom you are speaking.

  • Full name and address, telephone number of family, date of birth of child and siblings.

  • Gender, ethnicity, first language, any special needs.

  • Names, dates of birth and relationship of household members and any significant others.

  • The names of professionals known to be involved with the child/family e.g.: GP, Health Visitor, School.

  • The nature of the concern; and foundation for the concern.

  • An opinion on whether the child may need urgent action to make them safe.

  • Your view of what appears to be the needs of the child and family.

  • Whether the consent of a parent with Parental Responsibility has been given to the referral being made.

Action to be taken following the referral

3.78  You must take the following action after making a referral:

  • Ensure that you keep an accurate record of your concern(s) made at the time.

Or if you contacted Nottingham City Council via phone, fill out an online form here.

Nottinghamshire referral form  here: ( child)

For a Nottinghamshire ADULT referral:

  • Accurately record the action agreed or that no further action is to be taken and the reasons for this decision.

3.8  Allegations against Adults who work with Children

3.81  If you have information which suggests an adult who works with children (in a paid or unpaid capacity) has:

  • Behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed, a child;

  • Possibly committed a criminal offence against children, or related to a child; or

  • Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he may pose a risk to children. (Working Together 2015).

3.82  You should speak immediately with your line manager or designated officer who has responsibility for managing allegations. The senior manager will consult with/make a referral to the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) at the Safeguarding Children Partnership.

For Nottinghamshire LADO referrals: 

3.83  If one of those people is implicated in the concerns you should discuss your concerns directly with the LADO on 0115 876 4800

For Nottinghamshire LADO referrals: 

3.9  Confidentiality

3.91  Nottingham Climate Assembly should ensure that any records made in relation to a referral should be kept confidentially and in a secure place.

3.92  Information in relation to child protection concerns should be shared on a “need to know” basis. However, the sharing of information is vital to child protection and, therefore, the issue of confidentiality is secondary to a child’s need for protection. Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitioners.

3.93  If in doubt, consult.

3.10 Useful Nottingham/Nottinghamshire Contacts

Nottingham City Council Safeguarding Board – 0115 876 4800

Nottingham City Council Multi Agency Safeguarding Children Hub (MASH) 


The website listed above also includes a Multi-Agency Request for Services Form (MARF).  It is also the place to report concerns about domestic violence or child protection issues.

Nottingham City & Nottinghamshire have joint safeguarding procedures.

Last Updated: 08/04/24