Nottingham University Hospitals leads the way
In the lead-up to the Nottingham Green Partnership’s Climate Assembly, local groups, organisations, companies, and communities are encouraged to get involved by holding their own mini-assembly. These mini-assemblies will enable communities to ask questions about adapting to climate change that are important to them. A number of these questions will then be fed into discussions at the main assembly.
Nottingham University Hospitals was the first organisation to take up this opportunity and, on 21 February 2024, they held an hour-long online assembly attended by 32 people.
The event was organised by Emily Brookes, the Net Zero Carbon Lead for Nottingham University Hospitals and a member of the Oversight Group for the Main Assembly, who noted all discussions using the online App, Mentimeter.
Nottingham Climate Assembly supported the assembly by providing three facilitators for the breakout groups who discussed 4 key questions:
How can the NUH Trust reduce its Carbon emissions?
How can the NUH Trust improve sustainability in service delivery?
How can the NUH Trust improve sustainability and reduce biodiversity loss in relation to buildings and assets?
How can the NHS Trust promote Green Prescribing?
There were many great suggestions, with the priorities summarised as:
Using Mentimeter, the graphic below highlights issues of personal importance to the participants. In addition, lots of feedback was captured on the mini-assembly process and how it could be improved.